In this shoot em up you need to invade earths army.

There are 5 levels and 4 enemy types with increasing difficulty and enemy types.

In the levels are 3 types of power-ups:

Health: Puts your HP back to 100

Time-stop: Freezes all enemies (Matrix style)

Shield: Your ship gets a shield, which allows you to tank one additional hit


W, A, S, D - move Spaceship

Space Bar - Shoot

L-Shift - Boost

Q - Switch Weapons

R - Reload Minigun

Ship overview:
HP: 100
Boost: 100
Your ship has 3 different weapons:
- normal laser gun (spamable):
Damage: 25
- mini gun (ammo tank, good for speeder enemy type):
Damage: 2 per bullet
- big laser gun (2 second beam, 4 seconds reload time):
Damage: destroyes everthing on hit

Enemy overview:
- Speeder:
HP: 4
- Shooter:
HP: 50
Damage: 40
- Sniper:
HP: 25
Damage: 100
- Tank:
HP: 200
Damage: 25 per bullet

Tips: Use boost not entirely. If it's empty your ship gets a speed debuff until your tank is full again.
Sometimes dodging enemies is your best option.
Rotate through your weapons:
- minigun for speeder enemy types
- big laser gun for bigger enemy types
- switch to normal gun if others are reloading
Try to get as much powerups as possible.
Tanks place mines, which could block your way. To prevent this destroy tanks with your big lasergun as fast as possible.

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